About Sam. Writes.
Sam. Writes. is a little corner of the internet where I'm attempting to follow God's call to be a writer and exercise Redemptive Creative Force.
Here, I examine the human condition, discuss current social and technological concerns, and share in-depth studies of Biblical concepts. My goal is to challenge you to think differently, live differently, and consider God.
And here and there, you'll find journal entries that muse on half-finished thoughts or explore concepts I'm learning.
Is this a subscription site?
Subscribing is 100% free and brings every post to your inbox when it goes live.
My intention is to keep this publication simple, low-pressure, and enjoyable, so I have no set posting cadence. I may post weekly sometimes; other times, it may be a few months before you hear from me.
As Sam. Writes. evolves, you can expect to see:
More nostalgic personal essays
Introspective explorations of ideas and societal conventions
Discussion threads where you can share your own memories and insights
Thanks for walking with me on this journey! 🌄
Other Places Sam is Writing
Consuming Ourselves — Food and the food system from a Christian perspective (popup newsletter from 2021, no longer updated—I’ll be migrating the posts here soon!)
The Modern Health Nerd — Plant-based diet and alt protein industry blog
Foster Presents Edition One: The Media Frontier — The Foster Collective's digital publication
Foster Presents Edition 3: Several People Are Typing — A radically collaborative experiment in media creation
T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies — Whole food plant-based diet and lifestyle info
The Upside by Vitacost — Diet and health info with a focus on the gut microbiome
The Whole Food Plant-Based Diet Starter Guide — Kindle eBook
Why "Sam"?
People often ask me, “Do you prefer Theresa or Sam?“The answer is: either one!
Theresa is my actual name. So how did I get “Sam”?
It’s a bit of a silly story. In middle school, my friends and I went on a nicknaming spree so that we had something to call our characters in the stories we were writing together at the time.
Being young teens, we (of course) began using our nicknames in real life.
That was longer ago than I’ll admit, but some of those nicknames stuck to this day. Including Sam.
How to Get in Touch
I have no social media (unless you count my LinkedIn profile, which just sits there as an online resume). But you can drop me a line at sam@samwrites.online if you have any questions or thoughts to share. 🙂